
Price Disclosure

We have not mentioned the current price of the product we’ve listed, Because the actual price is changing frequently depending on Product availability. If product is available in stock then seller offer fair price but if the product is out of stock then other seller raise the product price.

So you may have question that how do you know the price? well, there is two things you can follow.

You can check current price on Amazon for the product just clicking on the button says Check Latest Price, Either you can get an Idea of product price by the chart that we’ve used as product price range like below.

  • $ – [ Cheap – Around $100 – $300 ]
  • $$ – [ Fairly chap – Around $310- $599 ]
  • $$$ – [ Moderate – Around $600 – $1500 ]
  • $$$$ – [ Fairly Moderate – Around $1501 – $2500 ]
  • $$$$+ [ Expensive – $2501+ ]

Models & Sizes Disclaimer

When we post review articles on bikefeatures we always try to add product model, sizes correctly as found on Amazon. But product manufacturer or seller frequently change product sizes as per stock. So its very competitive to update size information everyday. But we update product information in every 15 days to stay updated.

But, our humble request if you found any information that are not matching with the product listed on Amazon then please shoot us en email to [email protected]

Image Disclaimer

We’ve used the images on this site from paid stock photo service & Amazon site stripe method. If you need any query about images the contact us at  [email protected]

Review Disclaimer

We are adding product reviews on this site based on confirming few things like specs, metrics, expert roundup, verified customer reviews who have experience using these product. We believe the product benefits & drawbacks depend on the user how they use it. So we’ve mention both positive & negative sides for a specific product to let the visitor know about real fact.

Earnings Disclaimer

To produce great contents & reviews, web hosting, stock photos, proofreaders to check our articles we have to pay. To manage this costing we are getting small amount of referral commission from marketplace like Amazon.

Do you know how?

Well, if you purchase any product using our product links then the vendor sent us little affiliate commission which we spend to manage this website. Hope it clear now!

Availability & Discount Disclaimer

As we stated before, product Availability depend on seller stock so I can’t guarantee how long this product will available. Same for Discount, its depend on the seller. The seller can change their discount terms any time as they want. So this also not our end. Hope you understand.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Bikefeatures is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

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